Toast Brewery

A series of illustrations for London-based Toast Brewery, designed to stand out on shelves and infuse the brand with a vibrant burst of nature, aimed at eco-conscious consumers.

Toast Brewery crafts its beer using upcycled bread, offering a more sustainable and environmentally friendly brewing process. The designs celebrate the elements of fire, water, earth, and wind, highlighting the beauty of the natural ecosystems we belong to.

These pattern-based illustrations capture the dynamic energy of each element, with each beer featuring a predominant hero colour that reflects its unique character and elemental inspiration.


Sketch and colour

The design process begins with hand-drawn concepts and sketches, centered around the Toast brand logo. Motion is created through a circular, flowing design that radiates from the center, adding a sense of dynamism. Additional details and hidden creatures are incorporated to infuse the illustrations with life and intrigue.

Color is gradually built up, followed by layered shading and intricate detailing to enhance depth and texture. Each design is crafted with a seamless repeat to ensure smooth, continuous patterns without harsh lines on the final cans.

Below are examples of the final colour designs in two versions for print: one with eight flat vector colours, and the other featuring the original designs with full colour and shading.

Using Format